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英语一日名言 yesterday today tomorrow经典名言?

日期:2024-03-13 17:52:16

yesterday today tomorrow经典名言?


  Time is a killer, to kill all the happy and unhappy.  2、如果一个人真的爱你的话,他总会找到时间给你的,没有借口。

  If a man really loves you, he will always find time for you. No excuses.  3、爱情最让人无法掌握的地方,就是不知道时间什么时候会带来什么样的改变。

  Where the love is the most let a person cannot master, I don't know what time to what time will bring change.  4、人类的生命,不能以时间长短来衡量,心中充满爱时,刹那即为永恒。

  Human life, cannot be measured in length, filled with love, the moment is eternal.  5、让自己忙一点,忙到没有时间去思考无关紧要的事,很多事就这样悄悄地淡忘了。

  Let yourself busy, busy to no time to think about unimportant things, a lot of things so quietly forgotten.  6、好笑的是,时间一天天过,好像什么也没改变,但当你回头看,每件事都变了。

  Funny is that the time from day to day, as if nothing changes, but when you look back, everything changed.。


英语一日名言  yesterday today tomorrow经典名言?


——陈安之  Books are also good teachers. Only by using them flexibly can we succeed.  2、期望是坚强的勇气,是新生的意志。

——马丁·路德  Expectation is a strong courage and a new will.  3、学习有两忌,自高和自狭。

——书摘  There are two taboos in learning, self-improvement and self restriction.  4、一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨。

——萧绎  A years plan is in spring, and a days plan is in the morning.  5、人怕不动,脑怕不用。

——谚语  A man is afraid of not moving, but his brain is afraid of not using it.  6、书籍使人们成为宇宙的主人。

——巴甫连柯  Books make people masters of the universe.  7、近朱者赤,近墨者黑。

——傅玄  You become who you spend your time with.  8、没有一处遗产像诚实那样丰富的了。

——莎士比亚  No legacy is as rich as honesty.  9、给我一个支点,我可以撬起地球。

——阿基米德  Give me a fulcrum, and I can pry up the earth.  10、读书破万卷,下笔如有神。

——韩愈  When you read a book, you can write like a God.  11、言战者多,被甲者少。

——韩非子  There are many who speak and fight, but few who are armored.  12、上天完全是为了坚强你的意志,才在道路上设下重重的障碍。


1. "Practice makes perfect." - Michael Jordan(熟能生巧。

- 迈克尔·乔丹) 2. "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." - Franklin D. Roosevelt(对未来实现的唯一限制是我们对今天的怀疑。

- 富兰克林·D·罗斯福)3. "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." - Albert Einstein(困难中蕴藏机遇。

- 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦)4. "Believe you can and you're halfway there." - Theodore Roosevelt(相信你自己,你就已经成功了一半。

- 西奥多·罗斯福)5. "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt(未来属于那些相信梦想美丽的人。

- 埃莉诺·罗斯福)这些名言激励人们坚持努力、克服困难并追求自己的梦想。

