Money is not the thing that I am after.^金钱不是我追逐的对象。
We should not let riches govern us.^我们不能成为财富的奴隶。
They young people tend to be loose with their money.^年轻人往往会花钱很随便。
Many young people borrow from Peter to pay Paul.^许多年轻人是拆东墙补西墙。
Time is often compared to money for its preciousness.^时间因其珍贵经常被比作金钱。
Many low income families can not make their ends meet.^许多低收入家庭无法达到收支平衡。
Old people are often thrifty in money.^老年人常常在花钱上很节约。
You obtain money in a right way and use it thriftily.^你賺钱正当,花钱节俭。
“Money talks” could not be applied to every situation.^“有钱能使鬼推磨”不能适用于所有场合。
Thrifty is one of the traditional virtues of Chinese people.^节俭是中国人民的传统美德。
Money is often where all the trouble starts.^金钱是万恶之源。
We should cultivate children's capability of dealing with their money.^我们必须培养孩子对待(处理)金钱的能力。