Yasunori Kagoike, chairman of Moritomo Gakuen, reiterated to the Diet on March 23 that he had received 1 million yen ($8982) "from Shinzo Abe",via Akie Abe, the wife of Japan's Prime Minister. He also said "political influence was probably" behind Moritomo Gakuen securing a huge discount on purchasing public land.
如果我们上网搜索一下相关的新闻报道,可以从日本英文媒体上看到类似的内容——毕竟这是日本国内新闻,他们自己的英文媒体肯定是会报道的。如日本《每日新闻》的英文版就有一篇名为1 mil. yen Moritomo Gakuen deposit receipt connected to Abe donation claim emerges的报道,其中有如下一段:
Moritomo Gakuen President Yasunori Kagoike claims that hereceivedthe 1 million yendonationfrom Akie for a new elementary school that the operator planned to open in Toyonaka, Osaka Prefecture.
《日本时报》(Japan Times)的相关报道也直接提到这个事:
The headof scandal-tainted Moritomo Gakuen, Yasunori Kagoike, told a delegation of Diet members in Osaka Thursday that hereceived adonation from Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to help build an elementary school that promotes a nationalist education.
A source who accompanied the Upper House members quoted Kagoike as telling the group: “In September 2015, when Akie Abe came to our school to give a speech, she said please use (this donationfor the school). I asked her who the money was from, and she said, ‘From Shinzo Abe.’”
The kindergarten operator testifiedto parliament that the first lady, Akie Abe,gavehiman envelopecontaining 1m yen (£7,100) and said it was from Shinzo Abe. The government denies the claims.
Yasunori Kagoike, president of the Moritomo Gakuen group, also said there “probably” was political influence behind it securing a huge discount on public land in Osaka earmarked for its proposed new school.
这个词在英文报道中有不同的表达方式,如日本媒体president和head, 在另外一些报道中,也有使用chairman和principal的。在《卫报》的报道中,由于这个人是第一次出现,并没有直接写他的姓名,而是用 kindergarten operator 来指代。这应该是从读者并不了解这个人,因此用其身份而不是姓名来指代,这样更容易让读者了解其背景信息。
英文里有一个专门的词汇来表达日本的国会,即National Diet,也可简写为the Dient。 在维基百科里,有对这个词的解释:
The National Diet is Japan's bicameral legislature. It is composed of a lower house called the House of Representatives, and an upper house, called the House of Councillors.
从字面上来看,作证可以译成testimony, 或是testify. 如《卫报》所用的:testify。
不过,在新闻当中,不一定非得用如此”高深“的法律术语,可以简单地用told a delegate of Diet member,如三家日本媒体的文章中就是这么写的。
另外,如《卫报》在同一篇报道中,用了claim under oath.
a central figure claiming under oaththat the pair made a secret donation.
he receivedthe 1 million yen donation from Akie
he received a donation from Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
In September 2015, when Akie Abe came to our school to give a speech, she said please use (this donation for the school). I asked her who the money was from, and she said, ‘From Shinzo Abe.’
the first lady, Akie Abe, gave him an envelope containing 1m yen (£7,100)
英文里有donation,也可以使用更为具体的一个词组a piece of deoposit,这是因为新闻里的当事人否认是捐款,而是不具名的存款单据。
在《卫报》的报道中有直接的参考:there “probably” was political influence behind it securing a huge discount on public land.
Yasunori Kagoike, president of Moritomo Gakuen, reiterated to Diet on March 23 that he received 1 million yen ($8982) donation from Akie Abe, who said it from his husband, Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. He also said "political influence was probably" behind the school securing a huge discount on purchasing public land.