
位置:励志人生 > 励志名言 > 智慧的名言-璀璨的智慧·康德名言精粹(英语原创翻译·三)


日期:2020-11-17 19:45:58

32. “Dare to think!” 敢想。

33. “Look closely. The beautiful may be small.


34. “For peace to reign on Earth, humans must evolve into new beings who have learned to see the whole first.”


35. “The busier we are, the more acutely we feel that we live, the more conscious we are of life.”


36. “The death of dogma is the birth of morality.”


37. “Have patience awhile; slanders are not long-lived. Truth is the child of time; erelong she shall appear to vindicate thee.”


38. “How then is perfection to be sought? Wherein lies our hope? In education, and in nothing else.”


39. “Genius is the ability to independently arrive at and understand concepts that would normally have to be taught by another person.”


40. “Thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind.”


Immanuel Kant Quotes About Art康德关于艺术的引述

41. “It is the Land of Truth, surrounded by a wide and stormy ocean, the true home of illusion, where many a fog bank and ice, that soon melts away, tempt us to believe in new lands, while constantly deceiving the adventurous mariner with vain hopes, and involving him in adventures which he can never leave, yet never bring to an end.”


42. “What might be said of things in themselves, separated from all relationship to our senses, remains for us absolutely unknown”


43. “Better the whole people perish than that injustice be done”


44. “Dignity is a value that creates irreplaceability.”


45. “Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and reverence the more often and more steadily one reflects on them, the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me.”

“有两件事我愈是持续地思考,心中就愈充满惊叹与敬畏 - 我头顶上的星空与我内心的道德准则。”

46. “Simply to acquiesce in skepticism can never suffice to overcome the restlessness of reason.”


49. “The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest minds of past centuries.”


50. “Settle, for sure and universally, what conduct will promote the happiness of a rational being.”

