
位置:励志人生 > 经典语句 > qq英文签名-19 句适合偶尔冒泡的中英句子,愿你活成自己喜欢的样子 ​​​​

qq英文签名-19 句适合偶尔冒泡的中英句子,愿你活成自己喜欢的样子 ​​​​

日期:2020-02-06 00:43:43


大家是不是觉得12月很快过去呀?那么相信大家都会有想post一些想法但是又不知道要放什么的时候吧~ 那么就跟着小编我一起来看看这些19 句适合偶尔冒个泡的中英 CAPTIONS吧~ 偶尔冒个泡也是很不错的呢~

Happy way home can be expected in the future.

归途可喜,来日可期。 ​​​​

I want to be good enough to smile confidently when I see you again.



Because I didn't feel loved, I was the first to go.

因为感觉不到被爱,所以做了先走的那个人。 ​​​​


You should cherish the person who bravely loves you without sense of security.

你要珍惜那个明明没有安全感却勇敢爱你的人。 ​​​


出镜:诗雨 摄影&后期:Corn 场地提供:THE MOAI CAFE 璨若星辰——⑦

It's really gentle to say that she doesn't have to grow up as long as I'm here.

只要我在她就不用长大,这句话真的太温柔了。 ​​​​


I returned you to the sea of people and I longed to see you again in the sea of people.

我把你还回了人海,又渴望在人海里能再见到你。 ​​​​


All the insights of the world are exchanged for disappointment.

所有人情世故的通透,都是拿失望换的。 ​​​​


I like you like the kind of love that will always be with the moon.




We will be better, everything is full of hope, gentle and warm.

我们会变好的,一切充满希望,温柔且又热烈。 ​​​​


No one can go back in time but they can all start now.



The world is wide, lonely and full.

世界很宽,孤独很满。 ​​​​

- 世界很大,孤独也会一直陪伴在身边的。

You can never grow up, but I can't live without sense of security forever.

你可以永远长不大,可我不能永远没有安全感。 ​​​ ​​​​


When you hold an umbrella alone, it should be smooth.

独自撑伞的日子,也要顺顺利利。 ​​​​

- 独自一个人也可以很快乐。

Adults need to learn to break down and heal.

成年人需要学会崩溃与自愈。 ​​​​

- 长大了很多事情要独自承受。

There is no conflict between enjoying being single and looking forward to being in love.

享受单身也憧憬恋爱 ,这并不冲突。 ​​​​

- 享受单身却不恋爱,这并不冲突。

here is no one else, you are everywhere.

入目无别人,四下皆是你。 ​​​​

Although you are full of thoughts, you must live like you like.

虽然满腹心事,也要活成自己喜欢的样子。 ​​​​

- 人生的目标就是活成自己喜欢的样子。

When you don't fell loved, you have to be funny.

感觉不到被爱的时候,你得识趣。 ​​​​

- 感觉不到爱的时候就赶紧放开吧。

Indirect sex wants to be accompanied, lasting, love, freedom.

间接性想让人陪伴,持久性爱自由。 ​​​​

I loved you, and I did my best.



